everyday living

Led by Brandon and Brittany Dollar, this Life Group’s focus is to increase practical application of the Word and faith to everyday life, all while sharpening each other in their walk with the Lord and building meaningful relationships to last a lifetime.

TUESDAYS 6pm at the Dollars’ Home


Led by Tracy Arnold, this women’s group is all about drawing closer to the heart of God in an open, transparent, and comfortable environment. Women will learn to break free from any unforgiveness in their life and develop deep, meaningful relationships with the other women in the group.

THURSDAYS 6:30pm at Olivia Howell’s Home

god's dream team

Led by Pastor Bobby and Stephanie Marks, this study blends together natural wisdom with spiritual truths to accomplish lasting results in God’s Kingdom by studying the “Nine Principles.” Learn to work together in unity to accomplish lasting results and the fulfillment that comes from being on “God’s Dream Team”.

WEDNESDAYS 6:30pm at Cornerstone Church

man to man

Led by Nigel Arnold, this men’s lunch group will examine in detail strong men from the Bible who where forced to grapple with their faith and live their lives in a world that opposes their values. Through this detailed study, men who attend this life group will be able to learn what it really means to be a man in God’s eyes.

MONDAYS 12pm at Various Restaurants


Led by Terry and Sylvia Walker, this Life Group is about transforming your mind and learning to defeat the enemy with scriptures from His Word. In this group, you’ll develop close relationships with others as everyone will learn to transform their thinking while transforming their lives.

WEDNESDAYS 6:30pm at Cornerstone Church