Life Groups are designed to help you learn about following Jesus, grow
in your faith and build great relationships!
They're our small groups that drive relationships and spiritual growth at Cornerstone.
Life Groups are open to anyone in our community, so invite a friend!
The Spring groups will meet from Feb. 3--April 20.
Connect with a leader, REGISTER HERE
or email for more information!
Foundations of Faith – Robin Wilkerson
This group is for long-time or new Christians alike to grow in “child-like” faith in Jesus Christ, through our knowledge of His Word. Through this facilitated study, we will read, discuss, and explore the foundations of our faith: the awesomeness and majesty of our God; the magnitude of His unfailing promises; the depth of His great love, grace, and mercy; His enduring faithfulness, and; His unlimited power to mold each one of us into the image of Jesus Christ!
Book: New Believers Bible (NLT) edited by Greg Laurie
Sundays 8:45am: Lobby hospitality room
Galatians: The Heart of the Gospel– Todd & Amanda Tyson
The book of Galatians is dynamite: an explosion of joy and freedom which leaves us enjoying a deep significance, security and satisfaction—the life of blessing God calls his people into. Join us for great fellowship and discussion as we study through Galatians together, understanding in greater depth the core of the gospel and how it changes our lives and those around us.
This is a family friendly group.
Sundays 6:30-8pm: Cornerstone CAC (Activities Building)
Childcare: Children are welcome to attend with their parents (we’ll adjust the meeting space to accommodate the kids)
Games & Gourmet– Theo & Lisa Misiewicz
Gathering together to connect in great friendships we’ll encourage and build one another up in Christ. This is a fun dinner and game night for married couples. Food will be coordinated among group.
Fridays biweekly (starting Jan. 31) 6pm:
Dothan (couples only)
God’s Dream Team – Pastor Bobby and Stephanie Marks
We will discuss the “championship” traits that are at work on God’s Dream Team. The study will blend natural wisdom with spiritual truths to accomplish lasting results in God’s Kingdom. One person can’t do it all, but a team, working together in unity under the anointing of God can accomplish great things for the glory of God. When God wants to build something in the earth, He begins with a leader, but He finishes with a team!
Wednesdays 6:30pm: Cornerstone Coffee Corner
Ladies Prayer Meeting – Ann Matlock & Donna Westmoreland
Join for an hour of prayer each Wednesday at 10am.
Wednesdays 10am (this group continues throughout the year): Cornerstone Lobby hospitality room
Men at Lunch – Mike Lewis & Todd Tyson
Busy schedule? Join us for lunch and a side of encouragement. We’ll discuss different topics as the group decides.
Tuesdays 12pm: Restaurant varies
Overcoming the Storms of Life – Julia Snell
This book study will take us on a journey through the storms of life. We will be encouraged & equipped to sort through the debris so we can separate the trash from the treasure.
Book: A Path Through Pain by Ed and Lisa Young
Wednesdays 5:30pm: Lobby hospitality room
Youth Sunday Nights – Student leaders (contact Todd Tyson)
All students grade 7-12 are invited for snacks & fun and a time for worship, prayer & Bible study on Sunday nights this Fall. This student-led small group environment is a great chance to invite a friend along.
Sundays 6:30-8pm: The Loft (CAC- Activities Building)